Healthcare Centers

First Aid

  1. Healthcare Centers
  2. Knowledge About Health
  3. First Aid

Prevention of accidents and diseases

The purpose of first aid is to prevent accidents and diseases.By learning how to give first aid, we know how to respond in times of emergency and the reason why such emergencies occur. By having greater awareness about safety, we display an interest in our own safety and the safety of others and are always prepared.

Appropriate First Aid

Appropriately conducted first aid and rescue prevent the condition of the patient from deterioration becoming serious and speeds up the recovery time. The patient’s status, recovery time, and level of disability can be determined by appropriate first aid and first aid education allows us to know what to do or what not to with regard to patients in different situations.

The principle of Emergency Rescue Activities

First aid and rescue activities are carried out to respond to the plight of a patient as quickly and appropriately as possible in times of emergency and the following 3 steps of emergency rescue activities should be memorized and performed properly in order to promote the safety of all patients to increase the chances of injuries becoming more serious.

  • Investigate the scene of the incident (Check)
  • Contact an emergency medical service center (Call)
  • Proceed with first aid activities and assistance (Care)

Appropriate First Aid

Appropriately conducted first aid and rescue efforts prevent the condition of a patient from deteriorating and help speed up the chances of a full recovery. The patient’s status can be determined by appropriate first aid and first aid education allows us know what to do or what not to do with regard to patients in different situations.

Investigation of the scene of incident

  • Is it safe to approach the injured patients? Determine whether there are more threats or risks to the patients or not. (What happened?)
  • Understand what happened at the scene from people around depending on the circumstances. (How many people are hurt?)
  • It is possible that there may be other injured patients. Therefore, look for those people depending on the circumstances (Are there people who are in need of help?)
  • Find someone who can contact emergency medical services for help, understand the incident, and acquire information about the patients.

Contact an emergency medical service center

  • Keep in mind the following when calling an emergency medical service center
    • At least two people should call in order to make sure contact has been established.
    • Know the telephone number for emergency medical service providers (1339, 119 etc.)
    • nform an emergency medical service authority about important details Location of emergency
  • Time of the incident
  • Name and telephone number of the person calling (reachable phone number)
  • Details of the emergency
  • Number of injured/patients
  • Condition of the injured/patients
  • Details of the first aid in progress

Aid and assistance

Determine the condition of the injured/patients and give appropriate first aid.

  • Check the respiratory and the circulatory system: Check airway, breathing, and circulation
  • Ask the injured/patients questions: If not possible, acquire the information from the people around you
  • Check vital signs: Look carefully for vital signs such as respiration, pulse, body temperature and etc.
  • Look for other injuries from head to toe: Check skin color, pupillary reflex, level of awareness, ability to move and cognitive abilities. Also, if you have a large number of patients, treat the patients who are in the most critical conditions first.